The Curious Case of the Missing Footsteps

Usually I walk 10,000 or more steps with ease but ever since I got the CASIO ABL-100 I have missed my step count almost every day for weeks. This is rare for me.

I blame the cold in part. I don’t want to spend time outdoors when it is boring cold rather than fun cold. Fun cold is when it’s beautiful, and snowy, and the landscape looks interesting. Boring cold is when it’s cold but grey and dull.

It’s also because I had a real cold so my motivation to walk is not as strong as it was. When you have a cold you feel like crap despite not being sick enough to be happy about not going for your daily walk and run.

Another factor is that I’m tired of solo walks. I’m tired of walking alone along the same routes day in and day out. I want to walk new routes but that is not so easy at this time of year, when people are fake social, rather than real social. Fake social is meeting for drinks, rather than hikes. It’s not pleasant to be cold, but walking warms us up.

Within a week or two I should be back to my normal solitude and my normal activities.

Threads After Two weeks

For two weeks I tried threads and I found that it is as bad as the other social networks. If I am still being trolled tomorrow or the day after I will give up on the anti-social network.

The Positivity Experiment

Recently I have been thinking about dumping FB, and social media, and using something like ClassicPress for microblogging. The idea is to force myself to be positive, as these posts are not hidden from strangers.

I recently looked at my timeline and hated how junky it looked. There is so much noise on FB that ClassicPress and other solutions become more appealing.